Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The name game...

Oh how I dread the name game....
Why is it SOOOOO hard to find a name that:
1. Both parents agree on
2. Sounds right with our last name
3. Other people like
This has led me to the dreaded book store to look for the "magic" name that works for us. This is always the hardest part for us....okay....labor is not exactly a breeze either but at least there is an epidural for that!!

Suggestions welcome, but probably not taken! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

weekly smiles

Things to smile about this week....
  • Katelynn scored 4 goals at her soccer game last night
  • Katelynn has a new name everyday that she insists we give to her sister (none of which we like)
  • Katelynn says she refuses to talk to the baby if name her the name we like (still debating...this could make for a very quiet house....)
  • Our operation "goodbye spongebob" (aka locking all tv channels) has made our lives SOOO peaceful
  • Brent does his homework now without complaining
  • Brent shares so and helps with his brother and sister
  • Matthew whispers at night when he walks into his own room to go to bed and whispers goodnight (as if not to disturb himself...hehehe)
  • Matthew still loves to cuddle
  • Picnic at the park in the beautiful weather Sunday night with the kids
  • A sweet husband that helps me with the daily routines of keeping up with 3 kids and a very tired wife
  • Bitesize chocolate....which will make me frown post baby as I sweat it off...
  • Pumpkin anything food season- love it all
  • Feeling our new little girl move around all day...what a sweet reminder of what is to come...
What a fantastic life...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Big day...

Here are the stats....
I have gained 13 lbs. so far....
I am almost 20 weeks....
The baby is on track for size...
Development looks great....
And the big news everyone is wanting to know.....

We will be welcoming a new girl into our family!!!

We are thrilled!! Our 5 year old daughter is one giant smile about having a sister.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Love my job..

I cannot begin to say how happy I am with my new position at work!! I love my job. Don't get me wrong- it has it's challenges, but I am in such a better place mentally and workload wise than I was last year. I miss being at the same school with my kids, but I love that we actually get home an hour and half earlier this year than I ever did last year.

On a preg. note...I am putting on some nice pounds. Food is my friend again, after being my arch enemy all summer. We go next Monday for the big sono to make sure everything looks healthy...and to find out the gender. We didn't find out with our first two and that was thrilling beyond words. We found out with out last one, and I just want to know with this one too. It's still thrilling, but in a different way.