Saturday, December 27, 2008
35,35 ,35
I noticed my pregnancy ticker says I'm 35 weeks with 35 days to go and I turn 35 next week....Let's hit Vegas!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
A week off to rest
We are all off from school this week and what a welcome event. Of course, I have lots of glorious plans for things to "get done" around the house and fun things to do with the kids. Those have already been altered- I just got back from the doctor with my daughter having a nice case of strep throat to start the week off with....let's hope the whole week doesn't go this way!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Pumpkins, pumpkins...
but just how I feel today- big as a pumpkin....about as attractive as one too. It's those lovely days of pregnancy when you feel and look pregnant- nice round face, nice round belly, nice round clothes....ugh....This is a day when I hate my hair (thank you Beth my hairdresser who refused to cut it for me today...she told me she will do nothing but trim until I matter how much I beg and plead just like I made her promise me at the beginning of my pregnancy) hate my clothes (just want my nice normal things back) and am tired of being tired!!!
To top it off I am in LOVE with anything sweet. I am trying so hard to eat healthy and keep up with my exercising (so far at 24 weeks I have gained 20 lbs. according to dr.) but anything pumpkin makes me throw that out the window!!
As I sit here tonight, I have pumpkin muffins in the oven. It's the battle of willpower or work it off the buzzer rings I know which one is winning....
To top it off I am in LOVE with anything sweet. I am trying so hard to eat healthy and keep up with my exercising (so far at 24 weeks I have gained 20 lbs. according to dr.) but anything pumpkin makes me throw that out the window!!
As I sit here tonight, I have pumpkin muffins in the oven. It's the battle of willpower or work it off the buzzer rings I know which one is winning....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The name game...
Oh how I dread the name game....
Why is it SOOOOO hard to find a name that:
1. Both parents agree on
2. Sounds right with our last name
3. Other people like
This has led me to the dreaded book store to look for the "magic" name that works for us. This is always the hardest part for us....okay....labor is not exactly a breeze either but at least there is an epidural for that!!
Suggestions welcome, but probably not taken! :)
Why is it SOOOOO hard to find a name that:
1. Both parents agree on
2. Sounds right with our last name
3. Other people like
This has led me to the dreaded book store to look for the "magic" name that works for us. This is always the hardest part for us....okay....labor is not exactly a breeze either but at least there is an epidural for that!!
Suggestions welcome, but probably not taken! :)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
weekly smiles
Things to smile about this week....
- Katelynn scored 4 goals at her soccer game last night
- Katelynn has a new name everyday that she insists we give to her sister (none of which we like)
- Katelynn says she refuses to talk to the baby if name her the name we like (still debating...this could make for a very quiet house....)
- Our operation "goodbye spongebob" (aka locking all tv channels) has made our lives SOOO peaceful
- Brent does his homework now without complaining
- Brent shares so and helps with his brother and sister
- Matthew whispers at night when he walks into his own room to go to bed and whispers goodnight (as if not to disturb himself...hehehe)
- Matthew still loves to cuddle
- Picnic at the park in the beautiful weather Sunday night with the kids
- A sweet husband that helps me with the daily routines of keeping up with 3 kids and a very tired wife
- Bitesize chocolate....which will make me frown post baby as I sweat it off...
- Pumpkin anything food season- love it all
- Feeling our new little girl move around all day...what a sweet reminder of what is to come...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Big day...
Here are the stats....
I have gained 13 lbs. so far....
I am almost 20 weeks....
The baby is on track for size...
Development looks great....
And the big news everyone is wanting to know.....
We will be welcoming a new girl into our family!!!
We are thrilled!! Our 5 year old daughter is one giant smile about having a sister.
I have gained 13 lbs. so far....
I am almost 20 weeks....
The baby is on track for size...
Development looks great....
And the big news everyone is wanting to know.....
We will be welcoming a new girl into our family!!!
We are thrilled!! Our 5 year old daughter is one giant smile about having a sister.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Love my job..
I cannot begin to say how happy I am with my new position at work!! I love my job. Don't get me wrong- it has it's challenges, but I am in such a better place mentally and workload wise than I was last year. I miss being at the same school with my kids, but I love that we actually get home an hour and half earlier this year than I ever did last year.
On a preg. note...I am putting on some nice pounds. Food is my friend again, after being my arch enemy all summer. We go next Monday for the big sono to make sure everything looks healthy...and to find out the gender. We didn't find out with our first two and that was thrilling beyond words. We found out with out last one, and I just want to know with this one too. It's still thrilling, but in a different way.
On a preg. note...I am putting on some nice pounds. Food is my friend again, after being my arch enemy all summer. We go next Monday for the big sono to make sure everything looks healthy...and to find out the gender. We didn't find out with our first two and that was thrilling beyond words. We found out with out last one, and I just want to know with this one too. It's still thrilling, but in a different way.
Monday, August 25, 2008
First day of school
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Fun in the Sun
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Not a fun day.
Our 7 year old beautiful rhodesian ridgeback died in our back yard yesterday. The vet thinks she had a seizure, stroke, or heartattack causing her to be immobile and to die of heat stroke in the sun. She was outside for less than 2 hours with plenty of water and shade so that is their best guess. I am better today, but with the preg. hormones it was a bit rough yesterday (not to mention my husband was out of town so I had to handle all of it...) We got her as a puppy before the kids came along. She was a sweet (despite her 85 pounds) girl and was so great with all of our kids.
The kids have a great attitude. They told me "Now she can play with Lukie (our other dog that died of cancer last fall) in heaven! They will be so happy to see each other again!" with smiles on their sweet little faces.
The kids have a great attitude. They told me "Now she can play with Lukie (our other dog that died of cancer last fall) in heaven! They will be so happy to see each other again!" with smiles on their sweet little faces.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Feeling better
I hate to even put it in writing....but it seems like my constant nausea and vomiting are subsiding. :) Yeah!!! I have felt pretty okay the last week. I'm still not back to my 100% self, but feel at least 75% like me most of the day. I won't say it's gone, but I'll spare you the details. I even braved a yoga class this week- which consequently kicked my rear and left me sore for 2 days. (This is not some sissy breathing class folks...)
Anyway, summer goes on and I'm starting to realize that we are actually going to have another little person in our family by this time next year. After watching Shrek 3 this am with my kids at summer movie camp, I realize it will be fine (plus- unlike Shrek- I am only having one- not three- and mine will not likely be an ogre). Whew! And I have to give my current 3 credit- although they have their moments of getting on each others nerves, they are all really good kids. Taking them to the movies continues to be a piece of cake. When I see other moms struggling with their own challenges at the movies I am so thankful to be blessed with such sweet kiddos. fun is this... my brother in law and sister in law who live a few miles away from us are expecting as well with a due date one week earlier than mine. How fun to have 2 cousins born so close!
Happy Wednesday!
Anyway, summer goes on and I'm starting to realize that we are actually going to have another little person in our family by this time next year. After watching Shrek 3 this am with my kids at summer movie camp, I realize it will be fine (plus- unlike Shrek- I am only having one- not three- and mine will not likely be an ogre). Whew! And I have to give my current 3 credit- although they have their moments of getting on each others nerves, they are all really good kids. Taking them to the movies continues to be a piece of cake. When I see other moms struggling with their own challenges at the movies I am so thankful to be blessed with such sweet kiddos. fun is this... my brother in law and sister in law who live a few miles away from us are expecting as well with a due date one week earlier than mine. How fun to have 2 cousins born so close!
Happy Wednesday!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Summer Update...
So far this summer we have:
Gone to the lake
Gone to swim lessons
Gone to Wednesday summer movie camp
Gone on a special Mommy/Daughter trip to the American Girl store
Had our first child diagnosed with strep (the little guy)
Played in the sprinklers/baby pool
Played speedminton (way fun)
Gone to tennis lessons for the older 2 kids
Gone to friends' pools to swim :)
Watched fireworks on blankets in our front yard
Watched more fireworks with friends on 4th of July
Gone to Target 975 times
Had a birthday party for grandpa at our house
Gone to friend's birthday party
Going to basketball camp
Going to cheerleading camp
And for those of you who did not catch the above ticker....
I have personally spent a lot of time sleeping, feeling sick, getting sick, laying on the couch, and going to the doctor...Baby #4 is on the way...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Summer Free!!
Yeah!! Finally my last day of the school year. I am SO excited to have some restful fun days with my 3 sweet children all summer. :) I am more than ready!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Why Can't I "JUST SAY NO!"
So I requested a new position at work for next year. It is a preschool position working only with 3-5 year olds who qualify for speech and language services. They come, generally, twice a week for about 2 hours each time and it's set up more like a "class" than a typical speech session. There are 3 classes a day for 4 days a week, with the other day for testing and IEP meetings. It is a position with an SLP in the class (me) and a paraprofessional to help. Well..... I got it!! I am SOOO excited to get back to my age group that gets me the most excited in the world of speech. Before I came to the school district I was working ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) in Virginia serving birth-3 year olds. I still miss those days, and honestly, if it wasn't for the school hours I would go back to that in a heartbeat. So....this is the next closest thing with better hours (and no driving which is also a blessing) to be with my own 3 kids.
When bargaining for this position, I had to make a choice to take this program or to continue to be the district "lead" for speech. I was not being paid to be a lead, so there was no salary difference and it meant getting back to what I of course....I chose the preschool program. typical school district fashion....the plot is how the conversation goes....
Director: So....I really need someone next year to be our "go-to" person for speech questions. I can't leave that all up to our co-ordinator (who has no speech background) and you have done an outstanding job this year....
Me:...So....what are you saying?? (Thinking: crap- if they take this preschool position back I am going to have an absolute cow)
Director: Tell me what you didn't like about being lead....
Me: blah...blah....blah...blah....blah....(use your imagination....I don't enjoy people management is the bottom line)
Director: Well, we really need someone we can ask questions from and it really needs to be you...
Me: Hmmm.....any plans for memorial day weekend???
Later....I email them saying I will consider it IF they let me draft out what responsibilities I will retain and what responsibilities I will delegate. I am crazy and can't say no. Sometime I think it would be eaiser to think like my husband or my dad and bluntly say "Sorry, I'm sure you can find someone else to do that."
Loyalty- we all feel it sometimes and we can't quite figure out why. Today I felt it and still can't put my finger on why. I don't think it is an ego thing for me- I think it's that "I must help if they need me" complex. I have suffered from that for many many years....know any cures?
What can't you say no to?
When bargaining for this position, I had to make a choice to take this program or to continue to be the district "lead" for speech. I was not being paid to be a lead, so there was no salary difference and it meant getting back to what I of course....I chose the preschool program. typical school district fashion....the plot is how the conversation goes....
Director: So....I really need someone next year to be our "go-to" person for speech questions. I can't leave that all up to our co-ordinator (who has no speech background) and you have done an outstanding job this year....
Me:...So....what are you saying?? (Thinking: crap- if they take this preschool position back I am going to have an absolute cow)
Director: Tell me what you didn't like about being lead....
Me: blah...blah....blah...blah....blah....(use your imagination....I don't enjoy people management is the bottom line)
Director: Well, we really need someone we can ask questions from and it really needs to be you...
Me: Hmmm.....any plans for memorial day weekend???
Later....I email them saying I will consider it IF they let me draft out what responsibilities I will retain and what responsibilities I will delegate. I am crazy and can't say no. Sometime I think it would be eaiser to think like my husband or my dad and bluntly say "Sorry, I'm sure you can find someone else to do that."
Loyalty- we all feel it sometimes and we can't quite figure out why. Today I felt it and still can't put my finger on why. I don't think it is an ego thing for me- I think it's that "I must help if they need me" complex. I have suffered from that for many many years....know any cures?
What can't you say no to?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Back from the dead...
Whew...what a stressful, busy couple of months. Here's the brief summary:
- Beach trip was FANTASTIC!!! Thanks Uncle Kenyon for your bed and breakfast- we will be returning!!
- Matt turned 2!! He is living it out in typical wild child fashion. He is making two year olds everywhere proud...and of course....smiling the entire time no matter what he is doing.
- 10% crazy parents can really make the job tough...hoping for some changes to my position next year to alleviate the stress!!!!
- Registered Katelynn for Kindergarten- I can't believe she is that big!!
- Well visits for all 3- that is always quite an adventure. I knew I was in trouble when the receptionist asked if anyone was helping me out...
- Looking forward to the end of the crazy school year train and the peaceful lazy days of summer!!
Friday, March 7, 2008
She's 5!!!
My daughter turned 5 last week. To celebrate I took her and her best friend to this place called Libby Lu . What a WAY fun totally girly night. There is nothing like listening to some cute 5 year old conversations and seeing two little girls revel in joy at spending time together. I hope they are still best friends 10 years from now and I can take another picture of them together just like this.
She wanted a giant cupcake cake for her party with all of our family. It turned out okay...

We are heading to the beach next week for Spring Break to take the kids on their first ever beach trip. It should be a fantastic family fun vacation. We'll get back just in time to celebrate the littlest one's 2nd birthday. They are growing up too fast!!
We are heading to the beach next week for Spring Break to take the kids on their first ever beach trip. It should be a fantastic family fun vacation. We'll get back just in time to celebrate the littlest one's 2nd birthday. They are growing up too fast!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Has it really been that long??
Has it really been that long since I posted?? My heavens what a busy time the last few weeks have been.
I just got back from a great speech convention in our state. It was in San Antonio along the riverwalk so that is always a nice getaway.
My daughter turned 5 this week- is that really possible!!???
My youngest son will be 2 next month.
My how time flies....Has it really been that long???
I just got back from a great speech convention in our state. It was in San Antonio along the riverwalk so that is always a nice getaway.
My daughter turned 5 this week- is that really possible!!???
My youngest son will be 2 next month.
My how time flies....Has it really been that long???
Friday, January 18, 2008
All 3 down for the count...
My husband deserves Husband of the year so far. He stayed home today from work with 3 tummy troubled kiddos while I went off to work. It's no fun to keep 2 home sick- keeping 3 home sick....that is sheer torture. (And they all seemed alive and fed when I got home). Let's hope they are all better by Monday. I also had the pleasure of collecting a sample of the tummy trouble for analysis at the Dr. office since the youngest is on week 2 of tummy trouble. Don't care if I ever repeat that fun experience.
I read 2 books in the last week. The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns. I vasilate from feeling distraught that there are others living in such harsh life conditions, to being so thankful for the HUGELY blessed life I live. I think the books were great and that they really put things in perspective. No more worries about the small stuff. I am free, I am not mistreated, and I am blessed with amazing love.
I read 2 books in the last week. The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns. I vasilate from feeling distraught that there are others living in such harsh life conditions, to being so thankful for the HUGELY blessed life I live. I think the books were great and that they really put things in perspective. No more worries about the small stuff. I am free, I am not mistreated, and I am blessed with amazing love.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A friend of mine sent me a picture of us from college this week. Wow. Found my motivation to work out.'s not how you think. I am the littlest size I have ever been in my life right now. I look back at my high school and college days and think....oh my. All the junk food, all the cokes...they definitely found a home! My parents tease me and my husband all the time that we eat "Weird". We are definitely a bit heavy on the fruits, vegetables, organic side with lots of lean meats/fish. I personally, love our eating lifestyle and wouldn't trade it for the world!
On another note....are those gray hairs on the top of my head? I cannot imagine why they would be there...! Thank goodness for hairdressers....
On another note....are those gray hairs on the top of my head? I cannot imagine why they would be there...! Thank goodness for hairdressers....
Monday, January 14, 2008
She WILL be a great independent woman......someday
My beloved daughter that is. In the meantime, let's all hope I can continue to cope with that strong independent nature without having her live her life in timeout.
January...does it ever end?? Need sunshine, outdoors, and daylight past 7!!
January...does it ever end?? Need sunshine, outdoors, and daylight past 7!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I got a great new workout book for my birthday...
Along with a kettlebell...
Both great gifts since exercise is one of my favorite things to do in my free time.
Unfortunately, I am having a severe attack of lackofmotivationitis and all I want to do is curl up on the couch, read books, and drink hot drinks from my new single cup maker....
Any good motivational comments out there??

Unfortunately, I am having a severe attack of lackofmotivationitis and all I want to do is curl up on the couch, read books, and drink hot drinks from my new single cup maker....

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