Sunday, May 4, 2008

Back from the dead...

Whew...what a stressful, busy couple of months. Here's the brief summary:
  • Beach trip was FANTASTIC!!! Thanks Uncle Kenyon for your bed and breakfast- we will be returning!!
  • Matt turned 2!! He is living it out in typical wild child fashion. He is making two year olds everywhere proud...and of course....smiling the entire time no matter what he is doing.
  • 10% crazy parents can really make the job tough...hoping for some changes to my position next year to alleviate the stress!!!!
  • Registered Katelynn for Kindergarten- I can't believe she is that big!!
  • Well visits for all 3- that is always quite an adventure. I knew I was in trouble when the receptionist asked if anyone was helping me out...
  • Looking forward to the end of the crazy school year train and the peaceful lazy days of summer!!


Tanya said...

Glad to hear an update! Yeah, well visits by yourself with 3 children are always a blast :) I have two more months before I conquer our well visits. They are scheduled for early July - can't wait!

Malia said...

I'm looking forward to summer, too. I hope it's somewhat lazy!

Tracy said...

We're heading to Texas at the end of June. Are you guys going to be around?