Wednesday, January 7, 2009

37 weeks...

I went in for my 37 week check up today. All is well and nothing exciting to report. Hopefully she will make her grand entrance sooner rather than later since I have enjoyed about as much pregnancy as one person can take. None of my babies have made it all the way to their due date. My first was 2 weeks early and the other 2 were 3 and 4 days early. Here's to hoping....
I need to make it through next Wednesday at least- work has a nice little shower planned for me. So fun!


Anonymous said...

glad things are going well, was wondering how you were doing...You must have pregnancy brain though, I just went through all my mail from Dec (I was gone for 2 weeks) and you sent me 2 cards :) I enjoyed getting 2 of them though, felt extra thought of! Have fun at the shower :)

Malia said...

So exciting! Can't wait to hear the news of new baby :) I'm glad you & baby are doing well.